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Union of World Cartoonists Azerbaijan

The 25th Gabrovo Biennial of Humour and Satire in Art 2022, Bulgaria
General entry rules Economy of Means The world has been running on steroids. Nature is privatized and cheapened. Our voracious...

We are waiting for your cartoons Theme: MIGRATION in the main title Forced Migration Voluntary Migration Seasonal Migration Causes of...

54th World Gallery of Cartoons 2022 Skopje Northern Macedonia
Application Regular Applicant Should: - Fill out the APPLICATION FORM (electronically or manually) and send it to the e-mail:...

Vladimir Semerenko passed away (1950-2021) RIP
HUMORTOONS website extends its condolences on the lost of this great artist to his wife and and the cartoon world. May,31,...

12th InternationalTurhan Selçuk Cartoon Competition-2022
The Chairman of the Jury for the 2022 International Turhan Selçuk Cartoon Competition is Yılmaz Büyükerşen The requirements have been...

50th International UMORISTI A MAROSTICA Cartoon Contest -2022, Italy
1. Theme of the competition ad partepation’s rules The contest is open to all cartoonists, illustrators and graphic artists from all over...

The 6th International Green Crescent Cartoon Contest-2022, Turkey
About the International Green Crescent Cartoon Contest The Green Crescent is organizing an International Green Crescent Cartoon Contest...

7th International Cartoon Festival- Czech 2022
RULES Theme: Food and drink (restaurants, pubs, culinary arts, customers, the consequences of alcohol, etc.) 1- We accept cartoons only...

Winners and finalists of International Cartoon Competition regarding“Violence Against Women”-2021
THE WINNERS 1st Prize: Oleksiy Kustovsky/ UKRAINE 2nd Prize: Nikola Listes/CROATIA 3rd Prize: Nahid Zamani/IRAN Jury Special Prize :...

It is pleasure to announces that the lists of AWARDED CARTOONS and the top 100 CARTOONS (entitled to exhibit and will be included in the...

Notice on the publication of "Selected Works of Portraits"
Your Excellency: Due to the impact of the new crown epidemic, the second annual (Shengzhou, China) International Portrait and Comic...

" (Hangzhou·Binjiang) First International Sports Humorous Painting Exhibition"-2022
The 19th Asian Games Hangzhou 2022 will be held in Hangzhou, China in 2022. For this purpose, the first international sports humorous...

Winners of China Guangxi Huashan Rock Art World Cultural Heritage Protection Cartoon Contest-2021
Gold Prize (1 Award): Ivailo Tsvetkov (Bulgaria) Silver Prize (2 Awards): Dinildomar Das Chagas De Moura (Turkey) Kazanevsky Vladimir...

winners of Olense Kartoenale 2021, Belgium
1st Prize: Hamid Soufi, Iran 2nd Prize: Anneke van Steijn, Netherlands 3de Prize: Leonardo Zaza, Italy 4th Prize: Angel Ramiro Zapata...

Finalists of the 31st Biennale Internazionale dell'umorismo nell'arte,Tolentino, ITALIA, 2021
Seventy-one works competing for the two sections of the prize: 35 works competing for the International City of Tolentino Prize and 36...

8th KalDer Bursa International Cartoon Contest -2022
Duyuru / Announcement 8. KalDer Bursa Uluslararası Karikatür Yarışması Yarışma konusu: “BİRLİKTE GÜÇLÜYÜZ, BİRLİKTE BAŞARACAĞIZ” Son...

International Jury of the 28th International Cartoon Festival "Ricardo Rendón" Colombia 2021
International Jury of the 28th International Cartoon Festival "Ricardo Rendón" Colombia 2021. Cartoonrendon Claudia Baumgartner Professor...

Iranian master cartoonist Kambiz Derambakh has passed away.
As UWC, we offer our condolences to his family and loved ones. Kambiz Derambakh In Shiraz, Iran, in 1942 Kambiz Derambakhsh, studied fine...
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